The economy is currently confronted with multiple uncertainties.Such as the unpredictability of resources and timing, supply chain problems and massive price fluctuations on the world market. In addition, there are staff shortages and shifts to an employee market.
Previous recipes for success, such as more control and hierarchy, no longer work. This results in inner conflicts, stress, anger, fears and mental blockages
The goal of introvision is to gradually dissolve these. The method enables access to inner calm, to your own creativity and innovative power. This creates space for new possibilities and a positive effect on cooperation throughout the company.
In a form related to mindfulness practice the coachee faces the greatest inner conflicts and gradually resolves them.
The method of introvision is being researched at the University of Hamburg since 1986 under the lead of Prof. Dr. Angelika C. Wagner continuously developed, tested and empirically examined.
In-depth coaching method
by Prof. Dr. Angelika C. Wagner
Introduction to Introvision
Excerpt from a workshop at the congress "Reden reicht nicht".
training current,
May 2021
Clarification aid plus introvision - from two sides to the core of the conflict
moment by moment,
June 2020
Introvision in coaching - introspection with foresight
Source: Moment by